Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Cut Off

Well... it is litterally down to the last penny for me. I'm having a major panic attack and really don't know what to do. My good friends "Lee Pomerantz" and "Sweet Pea" have helped me out greatly and I'm so appreciative but I need serious help... I need a j-o-b. I needed one months ago. I am really scared. :-(

ps. It doesn't help to hear two more people confirm that no one want to hire someone who's unemployed. That's crazy.

pps. It's also less than comforting whent the career coach I've worked with the in the past doesn't return my emails or phone calls. Perhaps she would if I could actually pay her. But, oh yeah, I need to have money for that :-(

Monday, September 13, 2010

This is a Joke, Right?

Is it just me? There should be a new rule for posting on Craigslist... learn how to use spellcheck! Especially when looking for someone "detail oriented." Detail oriented my asphalt!

Administrative Assistantant

Date: 2010-09-13, 11:43AM EDT

Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]

Midtown marketing company has a long term assignment available. You must

have previous administrative experience , familiar with processing expense

reports, polite demeanor, work well under pressure and detail oriented.

Friday, September 10, 2010

I have Had It!!

I swear... I'm done. Recruiters, whether they work for a staffing firm or a direct company, they are playing games. I am tired of all of their BS! I recently applied to two positions directly and when I followed-up with the HR rep. doing the recruiting, this is what she came back with:

"The two positions are just generic postings that I have up to capture talent interested in temporary or temp to perm opportunities."

So, while I worry about how I'm going to get caught up on my back rent, this witch is posting phantom listings! I have never felt so suckerpunched in my life. I mean, what am I supposed to do with this?

Remeber "Cohan Susen"?

A few weeks ago I was contacted about participating in a focus group only to learn that because I had not earned $35,000 in the last year... um, I'm unemployed, I wouldn't be able to particpate. That really pushed me over the edge. Well, the client came back said it would be ok, that they "understood". So I got the chance to participate and I earned a little pocket money! Cohan Susen... thank you. And I'm sorry for that last post about you ;-)

Response from President Obama

Much has happened since my last post on August 20th, and apologies for my absence... but girl was very down in the dumps. I mean, who wouldn't be after this propaganda response from President Obama:

Dear Friend:

Thank you for writing. I have heard from many Americans who are losing their jobs and struggling to pay their bills. Every day, I meet with my economic advisors to make sure we are doing all we can to create good jobs and to help Americans support their families and pursue the American dream.

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act was the first step to spur job growth and ease the pain of unemployment. This landmark law has saved or created millions of jobs here at
home in industries such as alternative energy, health care, and construction. ***By extending and increasing emergency unemployment compensation*** (Not applicable to ME because I worked for one month. I also did not earn enough to receive the regular benefit rate of $405. In essence I'm being penalized for working- honesty gets you N-O-W-H-E-R-E!) and increasing access to health insurance, the Recovery Act has also provided relief to millions of unemployed Americans, and has helped improve our Nation's economic outlook.

However, many Americans are still struggling to find employment and provide for their families. To assist workers looking for jobs, I signed into law the Worker, Homeownership, and Business Assistance Act in November, extending unemployment benefits beyond what existed in the
Recovery Act. To restore desperately needed assistance to Americans who lost their jobs in the recession, I also signed into law the Unemployment Compensation Extension Act of 2010, as
well as an extension of COBRA benefits.

My Administration is also helping Americans return to work by emphasizing job training in industries that cannot be outsourced. Recently laid-off workers receiving unemployment
benefits have new opportunities to pursue higher education and job training programs, including easier access to Pell Grants. To encourage job creation in the United States, I am replacing tax
laws that send jobs overseas with new incentives to create them here at home. Available assistance can be found online at or

Together, we can help more Americans find and keep good jobs and enjoy a healthy standard of living. To find an employment center near you, select your state at: For information on benefits and opportunities for those seeking employment, I encourage you to visit: For career
resources, call 1-877-872-5627 or visit:

While it will take time to turn our economy around, I am confident that, working together, we will emerge from this crisis stronger than before.


Barack Obama

To be a part of our agenda for change, visit: